Posts Tagged ‘Jamboree’

Jamboree, Chocolate, and Groundhogs

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

At the Jamboree we saw our old friends Abe Lincoln, Buffalo Bill, The Beatles, and new this year, the B-52s.  But Elvis was not in the building.  Willie got to try on some new(old) hats, and I went around listening to all sorts of music (via headphones) at everyone’s tables and picking up chocolate and other freebies.  Oh yeah, and we both spoke with presenters and other musicians as they came to our table and picked up our chocolate.

Enjoying working on our Christmas music again for the future CD.  We decided not to do a Groundhog Day CD—worried it would sound like a broken record.   But it was tempting.    Hits such as “You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Ground Hog,” “How Much Is That Groundhoggie in the Window,”  “Who Let the Groundhogs Out” and “Camping On the Cold Hard Groundhog” could be irresistible.

More snow’s in the forecast—six more weeks of winter.


On Sherlock, ye olde holiday songs, and a great showcase

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

WillieBob, WillieBob, have you any bull?  Yessir, yessir, 3 blogs full…  Which is to say, “Howdy,” and here’s hopin’ everybody survived the Super Bowl hype. We’ve been runnin’ ’round doin’ stuff and rehearsing and working on new old old Ye Olde holiday songs again–the holiday in question being Christmas as we have yet to start planning our Halloween CD.  And although we did take today off to discuss what the heck actually happened on Masterpiece Mystery’s “Sherlock” last night we will be hard at it again tomorrow.

About a week or so ago we also had a great showcase at the Colorado Parks & Recreation Association (CPRA)-sponsored Colorado Performing Arts Jamboree.  Let me just say that it is a wonderful feeling when the sound people get your sound correct immediately and that this happening should never, ever be taken lightly or for granted.  We got lots of great feedback and very much enjoyed making new friends and catching up with old ones, musicians and presenters alike.

Sooooo….  I’m off–now and forever I hope– to see the wizard.  Talk atcha again real soon.